Specific Views on Practicing Journalism

58.5% of journalists do not trust journalism, as shown by the survey in which 35.5% and 29.5% of the participants answered respectively “somewhat disagree” and “strongly disagree” to the statement “I trust journalism as practiced”. However, the majority of journalists (87%) say they trust their sources, while almost six out of ten say they are satisfied with their job’s subject in their daily life.

The majority (82.5%) of survey participants are satisfied with the outcome of their own journalistic work, but only 36.5% of the sample find the journalistic work of their colleagues commendable. At the same time, more than half of journalists seem to consider their hierarchical superiors in the workplace neither competent nor trustworthy: in particular, 23% respond “strongly disagree” and 31% respond “somewhat disagree” to the statement “my superiors are competent”. Likewise, 24.5% and 31.5% of the sample respectively respond “strongly disagree” and “somewhat disagree” to the statement “my superiors are trustworthy”.

There is no collegial solidarity among journalists say 66% of the survey participants. At the same time, the vast majority of the sample (91.5%) agree with the commonly held perception that the public does not trust journalists, while one in two respondents note that they hold the same opinion as (they believe) the public has about journalists. The majority (83.5%) of journalists surveyed note, however, that the public is distrustful of information that is not in line with their views.